About Us

The seeds are planted
Now it’s time to harvest

 Urban Morning coffee is a Black owned business. Our coffee label helps to build economic growth in underserved minority urban communities.
The brainchild of Bridget Burns who is the Director of New Life Coach Inc, a nonprofit organization that provides free life, health and career coaching to low income individuals virtual.
New Life Coach Inc is governed by a Board of Directors who oversee a committee that is responsible for creating charitable giving projects that helps underserved communities with the resources needed to empower families and individuals. In 2019 Bridget
discussed the prospect of starting a coffee program that gives back to the community. After numerous masterminding sessions, the board has since harnessed the support of many more people to establish a strong community base coffee brand that empowers in three areas, homelessness, entrepreneurship, women’s rights. Bridget felt one of the best ways to empower and build economic growth, is to come up with a product everyone loves and to use a percentage of the revenue from the product to reinvest in minority communities. It’s empowering to know that every time someone brews and drink a cup of Urban morning coffee they are supporting and giving back to underserved communities.We have launched our coffee brand Urban Morning, please support us by purchasing our delicious coffee. Be a conscious coffee drinker and thinker.
Urban Morning can be your way of making a difference in the lives of others for generations to come.